Straw Definition

Exactly one month after the first straw goat was installed in Gävle, it was mysteriously burned into a crunch. The clear, straw-colored liquid that remains after coagulum separation is called blood serum. Poor Squinty ran and tried to hide under the straw, because he knew the boy was talking about him. Such resistance from tech giants was the straw that broke the camel`s back for Museveni. Many farm animals have straw-lined sleeping areas. This rigid, dry fiber is also added to animal feed, pressed into bricks that can be burned as fuel, and even made into bales that can encompass the walls of a house. Straw is what remains when grain and flakes have been removed from cereal crops such as wheat. Old English Streaw literally means “that which is scattered or scattered”. As a color, straw is light yellowish beige.

She slowly moves her straw into the whipped cream of her designer café au lait and looks up. He put on his big straw hat and took his umbrella from the bleachers in the lobby, followed the lady in black and never passed her. Hana takes refuge from the pulsating lights of Otome Road in a nearby café and makes another whirlwind with her straw. Straw is usually collected and stored in a straw bale, which is a bale or bundle of straw tightly bound to the string, thread or string. Straw bales can be square, rectangular or round and can be very large depending on the type of baler used. Middle English, Old English strÄaw; similar to Old High German strÅ Stroh, Old English strewian to sprinkle For years, the main complaint about the product was that people were losing the little red straw that came with each box. In fact, as much of his smooth forehead as could be seen under a wide-brimmed straw hat was crumpled in a determined frown. These are words that are often used in combination with straw. In addition to its current and historical applications, straw is being studied as a source of fine chemicals such as alkaloids, flavonoids, lignins, phenols and steroids.

[15] Dried straw presents a fire hazard that can easily ignite when exposed to sparks or open flame. It can also trigger allergic rhinitis in people who are hypersensitive to airborne allergens such as straw dust. Straw is a fiber from the stems of dried plants. Horses love it. People make baskets, hats, bedding, fuel and much more out of straw. But no straws – they are usually made of plastic. He grabbed his big coarse straw hat, which was hanging from a stake outside the door, and put it on his head. I thanked him, sat on the couch and sipped it through the straw. Most of this is occupied by a graphic inviting visitors to participate in the 2016 online presidential election.

For a surface with a boundary, such as a straw with its two boundary circles, each section must begin and end at a boundary. They`re like high-end vegetable straws you get in the snack aisle. She was hard to follow, and the guy who lost was Garth Brooks. Join our community to access the latest language learning and assessment tips from Oxford University Press! Straw is an agricultural by-product consisting of the dry stems of cereal crops after removal of grain and husk. It accounts for about half the yield of cereal crops such as barley, oats, rice, rye and wheat. It has a number of different applications, including fuel, bedding and feed, straw and basketry. Find out which words work together and create more natural English with the Oxford Collocations Dictionary app. Find answers online with Practical English Usage, your go-to guide to problems.